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Alpha 13.3 – 3/5/2025
- Added full controller support
- All UIs are navigable with a controller
- Button prompts added to help with controls
- Hot-swappable between controller and mouse & keyboard
- Updated Battlecrawler
- Now drives on the ground
- Sports two small point defense turrets and a large singularity cannon
- Weak point inside cannon barrel
- Updated Fumigator
- New Relic enemy: Warden Sphere
- Large mini-boss enemy that spins around spewing bullets
- Damage flashes now change color if the hit is critical or resisted
Alpha 13 – 5/2/2024
- Added secret areas
- Areas spawn off-map and are accessible by tunnel
- Contain rare loot and unique weapons
- Significantly upgraded the weapon carousel and surface mission UI in general
- Planet graphics on the orbit and map screens have been improved significantly
- Various other aesthetic enhancements
- Added background stains and better gore chunks
- Utility Laser got prettified
- The Skitter and Roach got creepified
- New utility: Enigma
- Teleports the drone back to the shuttle after a charge-up period
- Added a cascading effect to the fracture bomb when exploding on terrain debris
- Now much more effective at clearing tunnels
- Also improved audiovisuals a bit
- The drone’s thruster now causes minor damage to enemies
Alpha 12 – 6/15/2023
- Added new music
- Dynamic music changes based on types of enemies nearby
- Added a more robust damage weakness & resistance system
- New weapon: Fracture Bomb
- Sticks to surfaces and enemies
- Triggers after a short delay
- Very effective against terrain debris and carapace armor
- New Relic enemy: Artillery Crawler
- Moves along flat surfaces and fires upward barrages
- New Xenocyte enemy: Tumbleweed
- Rolls along floors, walls, and ceilings
- Launches a spinning jump-attack at enemies
- Added dynamic camera lean
- Camera will lean toward mouse
- Adjustable in settings
- Made the orbit screen and map screen more pretty
Alpha 11 – 1/10/2023
- Added a new “System Map” screen
- The “Leave Planet” button has been replaced with “System Map”
- The system map shows previous planets you visited or skipped, plus the next options
- You can view the system map at any time, regardless of Sojourner’s fuel level
- Implemented difficulty settings
- Explorer (Easy)
- Mission site swarms are rare
- Hostile vessels are disabled
- Sites do not increase in hazard when they are visited
- Pioneer (Normal)
- The “default” way to play (slightly easier than previous versions)
- Vanguard (Hard)
- Mission site swarms arrive sooner and are nastier
- Hostile vessels trigger faster
- Started on alternate ending
- Added an optional Relic research project that locates special artifacts
- Recover special artifacts and complete projects to start alternate path
- Fabricator screen got a facelift
- New Xenocyte enemy: Popper
- Violently explodes on death, tries to self-destruct on you
- Releases antibodies on death
- Added a “Mining Node” object to mission sites
- Destroying a mining node releases raw ore
- TELI-7 now helps you out a bit more by pinging lootable stuff on missions
- Various UI tweaks and bug fixes
Alpha 10 – 7/17/2022
- Added new special mission type: Surface-To-Orbit Artillery
- Sometimes spawn when the global hazard level is high
- Both a xeno version and a relic version
- Disabling the artillery involves destroying their power source
- Will cause one damage to the Sojourner every orbit until destroyed
- Added more chatter from TELI-7 to guide the player when new things are discovered
- New quick-launch button to avoid going back into the shuttle bay before missions every time
- You are now prevented from launching an empty shuttle
- Improved gamepad functionality for flying the drone on missions (still partial support)
- Introduced dialog interlude scenes for story development
- Completed a first draft of an end-game arc
- New end-game projects that provide extra lore background
- Introduced a special final planet
- Special missions on the final planet unlock the final mission
- Unique final mission
- Epilogue scenes
- Tweaked resource costs and abundance
- Improved several technical and performance issues
- The save/load system is now a bit more friendly and transparent
- Save files are more optimized and are version tagged
- Surface mission loot distribution is now a bit more robust
- Loot from prefab instances now persist correctly
Alpha 9 – 4/30/2022
- Mission sites are now static
- Each planet has a set number of sites
- Sites can be revisited to claim missed loot
- Each time a site is visited its hazard level increases
- Planets increase in size as the game progresses
- Larger planets have more mission sites and require more fuel to leave
- Mission site terrain generation is now more varied
- Minimap now starts obscured and fills in as you explore
- Added more unique graphics for each planet biome
- Enemy progression system added
- Stronger enemies unlocked at each new planet
- Added new biome-specific enemies:
- Xenocyte Hydra, found on grassy planets
- Attached to walls, reaches for you with sticky tentacles
- Xenoctye Roach, found on rocky planets
- Spawns from Roach Nests attached to walls
- Emerges from destroyed debris
- Xenoctye Lithocyte, found on crystalline planets
- Charges the player with an armored head
- Relic Fumigator, found on grassy planets
- Launches gas pods that explode into damaging clouds
- Relic Exterminator, found on rocky planets
- Relic Harvester, found on crystalline planets
- Hurls rocks and spits shards
- Assembly Node relic enemy added
- Static structure with a rotating turret
- Fires a spread of projectiles
- Occasionally spawns support drones
- Removed artifacts that give research points from the loot table
- Nuclei and Manifolds now spawn in their place
- Re-organized how laboratory projects are presented
- Scan analysis projects are now in their own tab to reduce clutter
- Changed the mothership’s name from Forerunner to Sojourner
- Added a placeholder game ending
Alpha 8 – 11/26/2021
- Updated Godot to 3.4
- Added an enemy scanning mechanic
- An early game research project unlocks the Exo Scanner utility
- Drones can use the Exo Scanner like a weapon to scan targets during surface missions
- Scans unlock scan analysis projects in the Laboratory that offer research points and sometimes unlock other new projects
- Only one scan per enemy type is necessary
- Blink Drone relic enemy added
- Teleports around during combat using short-lived wormholes that dissipate quickly
- Player drones, enemies, projectiles, and other objects will teleport through these wormholes as well
- New unlockable equipment added:
- Bastion Module drone subsystem
- Generates a 4-section bubble shield around Beryl similar to the Aegis Drone’s shield
- Relevant project is unlocked by analyzing an Aegis Drone scan
- S-1 Injector drone subsystem
- Greatly increases the thrust of a Beryl when equipped
- Unlocked by Thermofluid Energy, replaces previous automatic thrust upgrade
- Reactive Armor drone subsystem
- Increases the durability of a Beryl when equipped
- Relevant project is unlocked by analyzing a Leviathan scan
- Janus Mobile Transporter deployable system
- Generates a wormhole when deployed outside the shuttle on stable ground
- The exit of the wormhole is always above the shuttle
- Relevant project is unlocked by analyzing a Blink Drone scan
- Deployable Paladin Turret now requires analysis of a Sentinel Drone scan to unlock
- Particle Projection Gun now requires analysis of a Pulse Turret scan to unlock
- Analyzing the Tunnel Worm scan will lead to a second upgrade for the welding laser
- Project tree overhauled to accommodate scan analysis projects and new unlockable equipment
- New ultimate end-game technology now available
- Overall difficulty should ramp up properly throughout a session now
- Base global hazard level should start higher at each successive new planet
- Hostile vessel timer has been halved
- Several unimplemented planet mutators have been implemented
- Heavy Garrison
- Light Garrison
- Orbital Salvage
- Fully implemented Exotic Resources (they existed in Alpha 7 but did nothing)
- Manifolds drop from some defeated Relic enemies, more often from more powerful ones
- Nuclei drop from some defeated Xenocyte enemies, more often from more powerful ones
- Many Laboratory projects and fabrication blueprints now require a Manifold and/or a Nucleus
- Resource crates of the same type in underground boss rooms now consolidate into larger crates to help avoid overwhelming piles of crates on high hazard and large missions
- A “super crate” has been added to further help consolidate loot and make boss rooms more attractive
- Made changes to help avoid enemies and cargo reacting strangely to the shuttle while it is landing
- Enemies that touch the shuttle during landing are now killed instantly
- Collision has been removed from the shuttle’s landing legs
- Fixed an issue that prevented movement of deployable equipment in the shuttle bay
- Fixed several issues with the behavior of crawling enemies
- Crawling enemies should stop getting stuck on corners (in theory)
- Support Drones should stop magically floating into the open sky
Alpha 7 – 10/4/2021
- Overhauled terrain generator room connection code to be more consistent and work better with prefabs
- Added trigger system for prefabs, where switches can toggle doors and whatnot
- Added a proper menu button to the Orbitscape scene
- Implemented a proper status effect system
- Added Burning status effect, used with Flare Gun and Viper Raygun
- Added Shocked status effect, used with PPG
- Implemented Xeno hostile vessel missions
- Added Behemoth Heart objective for Xeno vessel missions
- Spruced up the visuals for hostile vessel events on the Orbitscape
- Player mothership now has a proper damage counter
- Implemented game over scene when player mothership is destroyed
- Overhauled enemy NPC code for maintenance (lots of work, very little to show!)
- Implemented new shading system for tilesets for more versatile coloring, added two new terrain tilesets
- Crystalline terrain tileset
- Rocky terrain tileset
- Added TELI-7 assistant character with helpful popup messages (and now we know who’s doing all the work in the laboratory)
- Shuttle bay received a visual makeover
- Added Manifold and Nucleus loot drops for some boss enemies, but they have no use yet
- Resources, research points, and faction signatures do not show up in the player stock and show as a ??? in mission information until the player discovers them
- Enemies added:
- Aegis Drone (with new bubble shield mechanic)
- Tunnel Worm
Alpha 6 – 7/10/2021
- Implemented Prefab system, hand-crafted structures that can appear on mission sites
- Added two new tilesets, one Xeno themed and one Relic themed
- Added special mission type, Hostile Vessel Assault
- Implemented support for special mission obejctives
- Added Singularity Core objective for Relic vessel missions
- Added gravity shift anomaly to use with Hostile Vessel Assault missions
- Created new music track for Hostile Vessel Assault missions “We Make Our Stand”
- Added hostile vessel system to Orbitscape
- Added better damage effects
Alpha 5 – 5/12/2021
- Migrated to Godot 3.3
- Overhauled cargo intake screen to present information better
- Introduced Starscape scene and the ability to choose your next planet
- Implemented planet mutator system
- Implemented water on surface missions
- Implemented mission site anomaly system
- Added Brimstone rocket launcher weapon
Alpha 4 (Demo 4) – 1/9/2021
- Implemented knockback for some weapons
- Implemented persistent save system
- Overhauled the mission loading screen
- Added title scene with short introductory exposition
- Created music track for title scene “The Big Drift”
- Stylized the UI, added simple audio options
- Drones no longer re-fuel and re-arm at the shuttle on missions
- This should eliminate the compulsion to clear every mission
- Balanced fuel and ammo amounts to reflect this
- Added deployable equipment for player
- Sherpa fuel depot
- Paladin sentry turret
- Added a safety net mechanic that will give the player a drone and put them in ore debt if they run out of drones and cannot afford a new one
Alpha 3 (Demo 3) – 12/22/2020
- Implemented audio
- Created music track for Orbitscape “Strange Low Orbit”
- Created music track for surface missions “One Giant Leap”
- Reworked loot spawn to prioritize rooms and deeper areas
- Enemies added:
- Leviathan
- Battlecrawler
- Myeloblast
- Implemented knockback for some weapons
Alpha 2 (Demo 2) – 12/11/2020
- Added Orbitscape, Fabricator, and Laboratory scenes
- Added resource and loot system
- Added project tree
- Randomized surface mission spawn system
- Added Hazard system
- Added equipment weight
- Added ability to swap drones during mission
- Implemented proper loading screen for missions
- Enemies added:
- Pulse Turret
- Antibody
- Sentinel Drone
- Support Drone
- Skitter (replaced Crawler)
- Added diggable debris system
- Various graphical upgrades, including pseudo-3D terrain and parallax background
Alpha 1 (Demo 1) – 10/10/2020
- Initial playable build
- Planetscape, Shuttle Bay, Drone Workshop scenes added
- Playable Beryl drone
- Grapple, Welding Laser, Flare Gun, Bolter, PPG, Viper Raygun weapons added
- Random cave system generator developed and added
- Minimap added
- Shuttle mechanic which transports the contents of the shuttle between Planetscape and Shuttle Bay/Workshop
- Crawler and Walleye enemies added